Sustainable finance framework and capability

Developing frameworks and benchmarks for financial products
Developing frameworks and benchmarks for financial products

Sustainable finance framework and capability


Developing frameworks and benchmarks for financial products

Financial institutions are committing more funds to sustainable finance by developing and issuing innovative products such as green/social/sustainability linked bonds, loans, and environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment funds. 

Renoir-CGI can create the necessary framework and policies to ensure that these products are issued in line with recognised global standards, including those set by the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, commonly known as OJK).

For companies that have already developed sustainable finance products, we can provide a second party opinion service to independently assess these products to ensure they are in line with international standards and guidelines.

Lacking data to validate or support key business decisions

Lack of knowledge to define a cohesive business or data strategy

Low speed to market and trouble adapting quickly to customer and market needs

High operational costs due to lengthy data processing times

Our Services

Sustainable finance framework and capability

Developing frameworks and benchmarks for financial products
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ESG integration & investment stewardship

Embedding ESG into investment analysis and decision-making
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ESG in due diligence

Identifying risks and opportunities through ESG due diligence
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Greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory

Identifying emission reduction opportunities through GHG inventories
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Why Renoir-CGI

ESG Excellence

We have a dedicated ESG Centre of Excellence, equipped with the best and most adaptable tools. These are tailored to your company’s specific needs. Our proven track record speaks for itself and ensures the delivery of effective sustainability and climate change solutions.

Beyond Implementation 

Our expertise extends beyond strategy development and implementation. We use our management consulting expertise to analyse the financial value of ESG integration in your business context. We recognise that strategies without action are just ideas. Therefore, we partner with you every step of the way, transforming your plans into actionable initiatives to ensure that sustainability and climate change solutions lead to tangible results and lasting impact.

Measurable Results

Our methodology allows us to identify sustainability opportunities across your business. Through a gap analysis, we develop a practical programme to implement the solutions identified.

Want to know more?
Let’s talk.

Let us help you navigate the increasingly demanding ESG landscape.

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